And life passes by through rains
and sandstorms
She looks away from the
brightness of the grey skies
As it rains, she wipes the sweat
trickling next to her eyes
Creams the little red sunburnt
patch on her nose
And tries to catch the hail as a
hot gush of wind blows
Cosies up in a shrug as her skin
burns with the heat
A cold cup of coffee in hand and
a warm heart longing to meet
But life passes slowly through
the rains and the sandstorms
The scorching heat makes the hair
on his hand stand
He shrinks his eyes in a failing
attempt to avoid the white sand
A light coloured shirt serves as
a perfect camouflage in the snow
The immense sweat from a long run
cooling to fast to know
Stands by the motionless lake as
the cold wind ruffles his hair
An ale gone warm in the thought
that ‘a choice it is’ - yet not fair