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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Rains and Sandstorms

And life passes by through rains and sandstorms
She looks away from the brightness of the grey skies
As it rains, she wipes the sweat trickling next to her eyes
Creams the little red sunburnt patch on her nose
And tries to catch the hail as a hot gush of wind blows
Cosies up in a shrug as her skin burns with the heat
A cold cup of coffee in hand and a warm heart longing to meet
But life passes slowly through the rains and the sandstorms
The scorching heat makes the hair on his hand stand
He shrinks his eyes in a failing attempt to avoid the white sand
A light coloured shirt serves as a perfect camouflage in the snow
The immense sweat from a long run cooling to fast to know
Stands by the motionless lake as the cold wind ruffles his hair
An ale gone warm in the thought that ‘a choice it is’ - yet not fair


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I wish I - (get) take out -ample time to appreciate what I have now than to think about the possibilities once its no longer possible...I wish I could maintain all relationships I start...I haven't spoken to you in a while but flashes of years spent with you in school cloud my memory and eyes this in peace'll be an instant hit in heaven -i'm sure of that..

Moments that matter

It’s not a question about the life in moments or the moments in life
It’s the perspective both offer – of victories, failures and for the most part - strife
Pray that time stops just for a bit for me to take a step back and pause
And string the perspectives together to piece life with all its ironies and flaws

So I pause to sense and feel each moment, collect, ponder and reflect
 It turns out to be a straightforward story; our choices imparting the special effect
The clichéd distinction between needs and wants; the classic race to an undefined end
With family gunning for a bronze and relationships giving up the first spot without contend

The selfish and not so selfish range of choices made for oneself and sold as good for all
Unknowingly getting too big to feel pain and nurturing the inability to see and sense the small
Cried numerous times in pain and suffering; but have also seen and felt tears of joy
Stayed alone for years; but appreciated the songs of love, that otherwise annoy

Time at times takes me back to relationships shared and broken; also ignored and let fall
Conclusion irrespective, better experienced and failed than not to have experienced at all
Fail I will again, but may only the brevity of life defeat me not my inability to experience; to laugh and cry
Promising to love and cherish everything I have than to think about what 'could be' after saying goodbye

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Answer

"So, what kind of a guy is he?"
He..He is life and more
If I'm pride, he's haughtier
If I'm bright, he's sunnier
If I'm beauty, he's the admirer
If I'm sad, he's emptier
If I'm elegance, he's classier
If I'm dance, he's the charmer
If I'm drunk, he's tipsier
If I'm sexy, he's naughtier
If I'm courage, he's the armor
If I'm fear, he's mightier
If I'm smart, he's sharper
If I'm just me, he's better
Was limited in words and time
And so "He..He's the nice kind of guy"..said I

Mann was written for an NGO dedicated to adult learning and for kids who dropped out of school because of some reasons and then were being brought back to education..

कोरे पन्नो को सियाही से रंगने का मन 
पुरानी किताबे ही सही पर नए कवर से सजाने का मन 
टिफिन में मै भी रोज़ अच्छा अच्छा खाना ले जाऊँगा
पढ़ाई के साथ साथ दोस्त नए नए बनाऊँगा
ABCD मै भी सीखू, टीचर को बुलाऊंगा 'मैम'
नाम मेरा भी छोटा करके सब बुलाएँगे मुझे संभव की जगह 'सैम
नयी शरारते और नए खेल कोई मुझे भी सिखा दे 
वोह बचपन जो कही रह गया था, कोई फिर मुझे लौटा दे 
इस क्लास में सभी मुझसे छोटे हैं पर मुझे शर्म नहीं हैं आज  
पढ़ाई दुबारा शुरू कर पाने की ख़ुशी हैं इतनी की परे हैं सारी लाज  
झुक गयी थी यह नज़रे एक बार जब छूटी थी पढ़ाई  
दुनिया ने कहा अनपढ़ और दुसरे बच्चो ने मेरी हसी उड़ाई  
आज फिर मिला हैं बड़ी मुश्किल से एक अवसर  
इस बार नहीं झुकूंगा की आते नहीं हैं ऐसे मौके अक्सर  
पढ़ लिख कर कुछ बन के दिखाऊंगा  
कड़ी मेहनत से भगवान् का दिल भी पिघ्लाऊँगा  
ताकि आज के बाद जब कोई माँ बाबा से पूछे की " बेटा क्या करता हैं?"  
तोह शान से वो भी सर उठा के कहे "हमारा बच्चा स्कूल में पढ़ता हैं"  

Saturday, June 12, 2010

मेरा नाम छोटू नहीं है!

Everyone...has an identity that must be respected...irrespective of stature, status, profession et al. U cant go around calling every little boy who serves you at tea stalls/ shops/anywhere for that the name of doesn't take too much time and effort to ask someone's does it!.....

तेज़ आवाज़ में कहता हैं "ए छोटू! ज़रा दो चाय लाना"
मेरा नाम छोटू है, ये तुम्हे किसने कहा, पहले ये बताना
पिछले दस सालो से मै बबलू था, फिर शहर हुआ आना
कद तो तब कम ही था तोह सब ने शुरू कर दिया छोटू बुलाना

चाय की दुकान बना नया घर और चाय बनी मेरा पहला प्यार
मालिक ने किया छोटू बुलाना और बबलू बोल बोल मैं गया हार
"ए छोटू! तीन चाय टेबल चार पर, एकदम कड़क, ज़ोरदार"
चाय लेकर जाओ, तोह कस्टमर कहे "छोटू, कुछ खाने को भी ला यार"

"छोटू नहीं! बबलू! -बोलना चाहिए था पर बन के रहा ये एक काल्पनिक साज़
और "हाऊ सर, अभी हाज़िर है" बोली मेरी आदत से मजबूर आवाज़
शायद इसी नाम से जानते हैं मुझे अब सभी लोग पास और दूर दराज़
पांच पांच का हो गया हैं कद, पर लोग न आयेंगे बाज़

अब ठान लिया हैं की छोटू सुन कर भी अनसुना करूंगा
बबलू मेरी पहचान हैं, न खुद भूलूंगा न भूलने दूंगा
दुबारा छोटू कहा तोह...... "ए छोटू! दो चाय और टेबल तीन तोह पोछना"
"हाऊ सर, अभी हाज़िर हैं" -मेरी आदत ने फट से शुरू किया बोलना...


Friday, June 11, 2010

Of Two Worlds

A few minutes when the rains and sun graced the same place
When unanswered questions and naked truth came face to face
The eyes do the talking and ask the mouth to stay mum
But instead, to camouflage the truth, the mouth chooses to hum
The order of the conversation is almost always the same
Contact, awe, longing, questions, anger, complacence and no one to blame

Poised two feet above the ground, with a tinted window wall that lowers only for exchange
To ensure the coolness of her temporary abode remains intact, doesn’t change
She wears sunglasses, a crisp white dress and she’s so pretty and so fair
Just like the poem I had learnt before leaving school for selling tea here
And then appears a creamy hand with a ruby ring and an empty glass that once had tea
The younger ones rush to service but I stay put coz a sense of shame engulfs me

What would she think of my soiled clothes, my dark skin, and my mangled hair
What if she shuns me coz I’m spoiling her breathing air
She then removes her shades and surprisingly looks at me for a second and then more
No blinking is the name of the game and she can see the questions soar
I search deeper but her eyes are starkly speechless
On the extent of nakedness behind every beautiful dress

Exchange done, the window rolls up and the car speeds away leaving a storm of dust
That soils my clothes, my little world in which I shall live, die and meanwhile rust
Why I was born in the black and white world where the darkness seldom fades
And there are those who know red from yellow, the bright world where people wear shades
Though I’m not convinced, ma says –It’s God’s plan and to his tune, we’re all dancers
And here comes another big car at our highway tea shop and begins yet another futile search for my answers.

Suchita ....the one inside the car..on behalf of the one who wasn't...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

'Maahi' the love story of the wood and the fire...The wood burns to see the fire come alive and engage in a dance that'll last only as long as them...He's happy to see it light up even as he burns..only an ashes and smoke..can separate them....
Following is the 'Hindi' version of 'Maahi' for all those who had problems reading 'Mukhtalif'
Below this, is the 'Urdu' version of 'Maahi' :)


ऐसा रिश्ता है ये, कि दुनिया भी है हैरान

तेरी लपटो मे ही बसी है जाने क्यो मेरी जान

तेरे रौशन होने से ही खिल उठती है ये आऩखे

के कभी तेरी एक चिऩ्गारी तुझसे अलग होकर मेरी ओर झाके

तेरे नूर से ही है मेरा वजूद कि मुझे देख पाते है लोग

तेरे नाच से मै जलता ही नही, कुछ इस कदर है इस इष्क का रोग

सुनहरी ज़ुलफो को छूने को तरसता है, ये मन, ये प्यासी काया

इस जुनून का असर है ऐसा, कि दिल पर छाया है तेरा ही साया

कभी शरमाये हुए धीरे से बात करती हो मुझसे

कभी गुस्से की तेज़ गरम लपते बरसाती हो मुझपे

पर तेरे इष्क मे खोया मै तुझे देखता ही जाता हू

जलने के एहसास को महसूस किये बगैर मै जलता ही जाता हू

वो कहते है मुझसे कि ये इष्क नही है

सन्नाटा है जिसका अन्त, ये है वो आग

कोई उन्हे बताए कि हमने जल के देखा है

और बरसो की नीन्द आज खुली है, के आन्खे गयी है जाग

डरता हू के जाने कब वो पल आ जाये

की मै राख़ और तू धुआ बन उङ जाये

उस जुदाई को मेरी रूह ना सह पाएगी

इऩशाल्लाह तुझसे पहले मुझे ही मौत आएगी